Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chewonki Campground

Chewonki Campground
Originally uploaded by jillian_werb

You can see why the children did so much climbing...

Chewonki Campground

Chewonki Campground
Originally uploaded by jillian_werb

The whole crew.

Monkey C Monkey Do

Monkey C Monkey Do
Originally uploaded by jillian_werb

Ellie and Hannah M on the zipwire...

Monkey C Monkey Do

Monkey C Monkey Do
Originally uploaded by jillian_werb

Hannah and Jill on the very highest section. Fun.

Monkey C Monkey Do

Monkey C Monkey Do
Originally uploaded by jillian_werb

Mark makes the big leap on the zip wire.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall camping

Yes yes yes I know it should be Autumn, not Fall. But frankly, if I was in England having Autumn weather I wouldn't be camping.

We had an invite from the Redfields to join them for a weekend camping at Chewonki in Wiscassett, and we leapt at the chance to spend some time with them and also get to actually go camping when it's cool enough to use the sleeping bags.

There were many things we loved about our trip.

Meeting the Gawtrys and their kids, meeting Monica (again) and her kids, and watching the children having such a great time together. An enormous amount of tree climbing was done, and Hannah was very bossy.

The blazing hot Saturday which we spent at the Botanical Gardens in Boothbay - most in the Children's Garden, with its tree house, bear cave, wigwam, labyrinth, and all sorts of other stuff. The kids made delicious cider.

Spending the evening sitting round the fire chatting with the ladies, getting to bed well after midnight and actually sleeping really well. Maybe I should always drink lots of beer when camping?

Our visit to Monkey C Monkey Do on Sunday - involving a lot of terrifying climbing around high up wire courses, held on by harnesses. I was so impressed by the children. Even though some of the sections were scary enough that they sobbed their way across, they finished everything they tried. Ellie even had a second go. And then of course there was the zip wire which I think everyone did about 50 times!

So... it was a great weekend. Can't wait to do it again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The children are paying attention!

I had a lovely moment in the car with Ellie and Mark this evening.

Mark was complaining about someone at school. Ellie listened then said: 'Mark, Mark, I think she was a bully.'

Mark looked interested.

Ellie said: 'The thing is Mark, bullies only have power if you let them. So what you need to do is walk away. Then they don't have any power. I know because my teacher read me a story about it at recess.'

A bit later that evening, after we'd done many other things, I asked Mark what he thought about bullies and he said: 'Well if a bully is being a bully then you should walk away from them and then they don't have any power.'

They're only 7 and 5, but they really do listen and remember.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Back to school

Kids have been back in school for three weeks now. They did quite well the first two weeks, but last week someone was off sick every day. First Ellie was the snot monster. Then Hannah was the snot monster. Then Ellie seemed fine, but her temperature kept going over 100F while at school so she was sent home anyway.

I suppose I should have given her Tylenol before she went to school every day. Except she didn't actually NEED it - her temperature was absolutely fine every morning before we sent her off to school. Ho hum.

So all in all it was an expensive week for daycare.

Meanwhile Mark isn't really sure about school - he says 'All I learn is punishments and drawing.' He keeps getting sat on the 'take a break' chair because he and Darby talk or giggle or fidget. I'm keeping an eye on the situation.

Hannah also isn't sure about her new teacher. He's got a big act to follow - her last two teachers were fabulous. She says he goes too slow, and school isn't fun. We're watching that situation too.

Bit of a shock being back at work. I had about 25 meetings the first week. Second week I started telling people that I could do the work they wanted me to do, but they'd have to sit with me for a couple of hours and explain to me in detail their exact requirements and help me do the actual work. Well of course they were too busy to do that, so suddenly my meeting schedule eased off a bit.

I am still manically busy though. Our new LMS goes live Oct 4th, and I am responsible for sales training moving over successfully. We have a huge sales conference coming up (yes - I get to go to Vegas for a week!) which means I have to design a website. I have about four different other websites to redesign/design for people. We're rebuilding our new hire training program, and I'm trying to give advice on the best technology to use. I'm writing a business case for this, and allocating licenses for that, etc etc. We're definitely in 'back to work after the summer' fever.

Mike is equally busy AND he got the cold by the end of last week, and spent Thursday feeling very sorry for himself. For some reason I haven't got sick at all. Weird.

The weather is changing - one minute it was summer, now it's definitely fall/autumn. We spent today going through endless boxes of winter clothes, working out what we have and what we need. For a change we have pretty much everything we need. I knew keeping boxes and boxes of dusty clothes in the basement would pay off.

After our organizing we went to Recompense Shores campground to have hot dogs with John and Colette, who are camping there. It's one of those sunny and slightly chilly days - absolutely beautiful. Their campsite is right overlooking the water. We stuck the kids' bikes into the back of the pick-up, and they had a great time riding round the tracks and going to the park nearby.

It's the perfect time of year for camping - actually cold enough to use the sleeping bags. As long as it doesn't rain next week we're going to go to Chewonki, then go up to the Common Ground Fair. Can't wait.

Ice skating lessons started last week - much earlier than usual. They started Wednesday, so of course Tuesday after work we rushed out to Dick's Sporting Goods to buy three pairs of ice skates. Luckily they not only had the sizes we needed in stock, but they were all in the sale. Ice skates for $30 - fantastic deal.

Last night we were shattered after work, so we all went to Gritty's and ate on the deck while the children played. Much quieter than it was in the summer, less manic. It's been a really full-on summer this year.