We're not quite halfway through the year yet, so I thought I'd post my first blogpost of 2011.
(I note that my web address www.werbles.co.uk is currently not working because I haven't paid the bill, but what the heck. It might start working one day if I ignore it for long enough.)
Anyway, this time 8 years ago I was kneeling on the floor of our sitting room, groaning quietly while Ellie made her way into the world. I think she was actually born around 5am UK time, or it might have been 5.30am. Anyway, not long now till she's officially 8.
It was followed by the midwives cleaning me up, putting me in a bath, then pottering off home. That bit was followed by me having a bit of a haemorrhage, taking an ambulance to hospital, having 2 lots of surgery and 5 units of blood, then deciding I wouldn't die after all.
So it's a memorable time, during which we like to give thanks for all of our blessings. Especially Ellie, who is absolutely adorable, sometimes argumentative, always a little bit high-pitched, very often sleepy, usually quite quiet (except at home) and has the softest skin in the world.
Happy birthday Ellie xxx