Hannah's birthday was also the last day of school, so she did a school concert, then a show in her classroom, then we said a sad goodbye to her teacher.
Later the girls had a fantastic birthday party - well, I thought it was fantastic. Mike arranged the whole thing. We booked David Spark from Spark's Ark to come and do his animal show. As always he was interesting, funny, informative and entertaining.
He brought a Saw Whet owl, a Great Horned Owl, a baby seagull, a cockatiel (who sat on everyone), a chinchilla, a skunk, a nest full of baby mice, and a huge snake. The kids all got to hold a baby mouse, then those who wanted to also got to cuddle the snake. There was a lot of giggling and a big of screaming.
Then there was macaroni and pizza, followed by cupcakes a la Nadja.
And then a lot of running around the garden in the rain (we had the party at the Cousin's Island Community Center - and boy was that a good move!)
Everyone had a great time as far as I could tell. Even I enjoyed it...
Great horned owl eyeballing the camera
Originally uploaded by jillian_werb
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