To get there you drive along a beautiful road down the middle of Littlejohn Island, with trees crowding on either side and the sunlight dappling through. Driveways either side lead to millionaire's mansions. I could live there. If I had to.
We packed gloves and hats, but then once parked up and ready to walk we decided we wouldn't need them so we set off glove-free. Hmm, won't make that mistake again this year.
It's a short trail leading to long beaches with lots of rocks to climb on and plenty of seaweed. Classic Maine beaches, really.
It was amazing to see how much Mark has changed in just a year. He ran on ahead, climbed everything he possibly could, and clearly adored every minute of being outside. He really is a puppy in disguise.
Hannah found a really cool shell which she's brought home to display in her room.
Other than me falling down and scraping my wrist enough that I felt sick every time I looked at it, we had a fabulous fresh air walk/scramble. It was so good to remember why we live here. Casco Bay was ripple free, and the seawater beautifully clear.
On the way back we realised that it's deer hunting season, and that in fact a deer hunter had parked alongside us and headed off with a tree stand over his shoulder. Hmm, we really do need to buy some orange vests for everyone to wear this time of year.
We treated ourselves to lunch at the Royal River Grill in Yarmouth, which meant we got to spend some more time gazing out at Casco Bay and feeling pleased with ourselves. Then we had to leave so that Mike could have a little lie down.
Everyone except Mike is almost back to normal now. Mike goes through phases of being okay then needing to lie down for a while. He's been hit hard by the flu or whatever it is.
I'm assuming everyone's probably had swine flu. No one was swabbed, but the schools full of swine flu right now and the symptoms seemed swine-flu-ish.
Strangely I never got ill. Mike's theory is that it was through sheer force of will - I had a big day on Friday at work and I really really really needed to be there. But I think I was just lucky. And it could all still go horribly wrong...
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