Dust mite
Cockroach (yum!)
Ragweed, goldenrod, cocklebur, English plantain, Mugwort (that really exists?)
Oak pollen
Elm pollen
Box elder pollen
Birch pollen
Maple pollen
White pine pollen
Shagbark Hickory pollen
Beech pollen
Willow pollen
She was also retested for...
Pecan, walnut
Her back looked like this...
...and she wasn't happy at all.
She tested positive to basically everything Mike and I are allergic to - dust, cat, various tree pollens, grass pollen. But not mould or any weeds, so I suppose we should be grateful for that.
So we're now going to work on reducing dust in the house. Mike's allergic to dust mites so we do quite a few things right but there's a few more things to do. Get some air conditioning units in so that we can keep windows closed at night in summer. And Ellie has a nasal spray to try.
Her peanut and brazil nut reactions were less than last time, and the doctor suggested that we do blood tests to check those. Might they be improving? I daren't even hope...
She was so good. It took well over an hour to do all the skin tests, then she had three vials of blood drawn. She sat on my lap, and I distracted her with photos on my phone while the needle went in. She only squeaked once. I was amazed!
So now she's eating two lollipops and watching her favourite Barbie movie, and I'm about to restart work.
Not such good news for Carl. His triple bypass is now going to be a quintuple bypass. The operation is on April 12th. The good news is that his heart isn't damaged - he hasn't had a heart attack. He just needs new plumbing, as Nadja puts it.
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